Via Giano Della Bella 20
50124 Firenze
Mon-Fri 9 - 13 | 14 - 18
Sat - Sun CLOSED
+39 055 570627

Calls for tenders and funding

Every day companies are called to respond to increasingly complex challenges concerning their internal organization, production capacity, process and product innovation and market orientation, both nationally and internationally. There is a great need for competences, skills, tools, and financial resources.

Artex helps companies to seize all the financing opportunities in favour of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, resources often also non-repayable, put in place by the Tuscan Region, by SIMEST, by MISE. A support and assistance activity that, starting from the identification of the most appropriate “measure”, takes the form of a consultancy for the elaboration of the project idea, the management of the project and the final accounting.

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